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작성자 최정숙
작성일 2018-01-14
조회수 9558
매월 노인복지회관에서의 봉사를 (7월~12월) 마쳤다 아울러 의류 200벌 (겨울 원피스) 포장하여 우편으로 동남아에 지원하는 봉사도 마무리하고 한국내 다문화 폭력 가정에도 의류 매트를 지원하였다 지구본부 김장봉사에 참여했다 합동봉사인 성북천 정화 쓰레기줍기에 동참했습니다 The year of 2017 at SeoulSomang Club ended with, as you might have guessed, volunteering. We have been helping at senior welfare center monthly (July-December). In addition, I have also packaged and sent off 200 pieces of winter clothes to Southeast Asia so they don’t stay cold during the joyous albeit chilly holidays. Not only that, but also I have supported clothing and korea ondol mats for multicultural family. The year-end party – simultaneously the monthly meeting – took place at Lotte Tower and we concluded December, the last month of 2017 with heartfelt gratitude.
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이전글   성북시각장애인 복지관 보장구(흰지팡이) 전달식 및 무료배식봉사
다음글   소망클럽 조직총회